Here you will find one or more explanations in English for the word Mirzya. Say, an accented version, just another way, of saying Mirza, like we say, ‘Oye Mirzya/ Mirzye’, and that was about it. I thought about how people say the name in Punjabi, and realized he was right, and the movie should actually use the Punjabi version of the name, as the story happens somewhere in Faisalabad area where the native language was Punjabi.
Movie should actually use the Punjabi version of the name, as the story happens somewhere in Faisalabad area where the native language was Punjabi.
As for the meaning of Mirza, it’s a name that is based on a historical title of Persian origin, denoting the rank of a high nobleman or Prince, and here it’s the name of the guy in the tragic love story of Mirza and Sahibaan.
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